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Tag: "consciousness"

Notes Towards a Philosophy of Sleep

Raymond Tallis takes us from A to Zzzzz.
[Issue 91: July/August 2012: Tallis in Wonderland]

Consciousness, Freewill and Language

Michael Langford talks about the language we use to talk about the mind and brain.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Brains & Minds]

Michael Graziano

Michael Graziano is a Professor of Neuroscience at Princeton. Ernest Dempsey asks him about the mind and the brain.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Interview]

The Minds of Machines

Namit Arora considers the complexity of consciousness and its implications for artificial intelligence.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Brains & Minds]

Ethics On The Brain

Vincent Di Norcia theorizes how morality is generated by how the brain works.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Brains & Minds]

The Empirical Problem

by Peter Davis
[Issue 85: July/August 2011: Poetry]

Epiphenomenalism Explained

Norman Bacrac lets his brain do all the thinking.
[Issue 81: October/November 2010: Metaphysics]

The Simulated Self

Justin Holme represents his self to you.
[Issue 81: October/November 2010: Metaphysics]

Could Two People Inhabit One Body?

Nicola Webber asks you (and you).
[Issue 81: October/November 2010: Metaphysics]

Reflections On Epilepsy

Raymond Tallis applies his mind to his mind.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009: Tallis in Wonderland]

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