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Tag: "consciousness"

Just A Little Tune I Found In My Mouth

Raymond Tallis muses on music, memory and memes.
[Issue 71: January/February 2009: Tallis in Wonderland]

Iatrogenic Torture: Just when you thought you had enough to worry about

by Joel Marks
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Moral Moments]

The Problem With Zombies

Rebecca Hanrahan says that just because you can imagine zombies doesn’t mean they’re possible, or that they can tell us anything about consciousness.
[Issue 67: May/June 2008: Articles]

A Role For Consciousness

David Hodgson pulls together his experience to understand experience.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Articles]

How To Be Conscious: Mind & Matter Revisited

What exactly is consciousness? Roger Caldwell looks at the current ideas of three leading figures in philosophy of mind, as revealed in their latest books.
[Issue 54: February/March 2006: Articles]

Igor Aleksander

Igor Aleksander is a leading researcher on machine consciousness. Julian Moore asked him about brains and language, self-awareness and robot rights.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Interview]

Consciousness: Creeping Up on the Hard Problem by Jeffrey Gray

Norman Bacrac becomes conscious of the merits of Jeffrey Gray’s new book.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Books]


by Rick Lewis
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Editorial]

I Am Dan’s Brain

Memoires of a much-travelled mind, as revealed to Terry Dartnall.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Short Story]

A Ridiculously Brief Overview of Consciousness

A five-minute guide to the debate by Rick Lewis.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Consciousness]

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