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Tag: "ethics"

Nietzsche’s Therapy

David Frost considers Nietzsche’s diet and lifestyle tips.
[Issue 93: November/December 2012: Nietzsche Reloaded]

Let the Right One In

Colin Brookes reflects on ethical and aesthetic issues between vampires and us.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Films]

Ethics For A Broken World by Tim Mulgan

Alfred Archer looks at Tim Mulgan’s look forward at people looking back, with anger.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Books]

Testing My Own Morality

By our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci.
[Issue 91: July/August 2012: Science]

The Ethics of Taxation

Richard Baron finds that philosophy need not be taxing.
[Issue 90: May/June 2012: Articles]

The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values by Sam Harris

Bill Meacham finds Sam Harris’s book intriguing but frustrating.
[Issue 90: May/June 2012: Books]

The Glum Reaper?

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Editorial]

Are There Duties To The Dead?

Walter Ott doesn’t think so.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Death & Morality]

In Defence of Deciding to Die

Alex Carley looks briefly at the role of reason in the euthanasia debate.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Death & Morality]

Peter Singer Says You Are a Bad Person

Howard Darmstadter shows us why the Australian abnegator is wrong.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Articles]

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