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Tag: "ethics"

Is War Inevitable?

Jeffrey Gordon rereads a correspondence on war between Einstein and Freud.
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Paranoia]

Atlas Shrugged @ 50+

Tibor Machan considers the continuing appeal of the moral philosophy of Ayn Rand, more than fifty years after the publication of her greatest work.
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Articles]

Buridan’s Ass: A Paradox Redux

Adebowale Oriku with a warning about indecision.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Fiction]

Presidential Decision-Making: Utilitarianism vs Duty Ethics

Michael Rockler compares two ethics of statemanship for two American presidents.
[Issue 64: November/December 2007: Articles]

Philosophising About Moral Education

Graham Haydon thinks about what it is to think about moral education.
[Issue 63: September/October 2007: Education]


by Joel Marks
[Issue 63: September/October 2007: Moral Moments]

Why Should I Be Good?

The following readers’ answers to this central philosophical question each win a random book.
[Issue 63: September/October 2007: Question of the Month]

The Unbearable Lightness of Ethics

Stephen Anderson wonders whether talk of ethics has any substance.
[Issue 62: July/August 2007: Articles]

Thought For Food – Re: Veal

by Joel Marks
[Issue 62: July/August 2007: Moral Moments]

Gay Adoption

Brenda Almond on why the gay adoption debate isn’t really about sexual morality.
[Issue 61: May/June 2007: Human Futures]

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