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Tag: "fallacies"

Bad Arguments That Make You Smarter

Henrik Schoeneberg gets smart about fallacious reasoning.
[Issue 115: August/September 2016: Articles]

Atheism on Trial

Stephen Anderson sternly judges a cause célèbre.
[Issue 109: August/September 2015: Articles]

The Alleged Fallacies of Evolutionary Theory

In Issue 44, Peter Williams claimed to have found numerous logical fallacies in the writings of Richard Dawkins. His article has provoked this blow-by-blow response from Massimo Pigliucci, Joshua Banta, Christen Bossu, Paula Crouse, Troy Dexter, Kerry Hansknecht and Norris Muth.
[Issue 46: May/June 2004: Science]

Rigorous Reasoning

Peter Cave spots a few fallacies.
[Issue 9: Summer 1994: Articles]


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