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Tag: "free will & determinism"

The Physicist’s Mind

Daniel Harper peers into the murky depths.
[Issue 121: August/September 2017: Short Story]

A Philosophy of Freedom by Lars Svendsen

Alan Brody thinks about freedom and responsibility with Lars Svendsen.
[Issue 118: February/March 2017: Books]

Feel Free To Differ

by Grant Bartley
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Editorial]

Free Will Is An Illusion, But Freedom Isn’t

Ching-Hung Woo says freedom is compatible with choices being determined.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Free Will]

The New Argument About Freedom

Natasha Gilbert says out with the old arguments, and in with the new.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Free Will]

The Brain’s Risk/Reward System Makes Our Choices, Not Us

Graham W. Boyd argues that choice is an illusion.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Free Will]

Akrasia: Why Do We Act Against Our Better Judgement?

George Singleton asks why we splash out on luxuries worth a month’s income, struggle to give up smoking, and resort to below-the-belt insults in heated arguments.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Free Will]

Reclaiming Freedom

Steve Taylor says of determinism: “I refute it thus!”
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Free Will]


by Peter Duff
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Poetry]

“… as it was determined to be so.”

Kevin Heinrich follows the fate of some determined townsfolk.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Short Story]

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