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Tag: "philosophers & philosophy"

Philosophy Friends! by Francisco Mejia Uribe

Max Rocky Zelcer and Mark Zelcer review five short childrens’ books starring their Philosophy Friends!
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: Books]

Philosophers on Food

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021: Philosophy Shorts]

Why Minor Figures Can Be Majorly Interesting

Peter Adamson looks at the value of looking at the overlooked.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Philosophy Then]

Life & The Mind

Peter Adamson wonders if we can learn philosophy from a life.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Philosophy Then]

Who Is The Worst Philosopher?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
[Issue 135: December 2019 / January 2020: Question of the Month]

The Decline & Rebirth of Philosophy

Daniel Kaufman sees philosophy ailing as a guide for Western culture, and considers how it might be revived.
[Issue 130: February/March 2019: Articles]

Philosophy: A Call to Action

Calvin H. Warner asks if philosophy can improve our lives.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: Articles]

I Hate Philosophy

At least Gray Kochhar-Lindgren can be philosophical about it.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: Articles]

What Makes A Philosopher?

Siobhan Lyons hunts down a philosopher’s essential ingredients.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Articles]

Problems & Mysteries

Raymond Tallis says mystery is the heart of philosophy.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Tallis in Wonderland]

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