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Tag: "psychology"

The Prisoner’s Dilemma and The Evolution of Morality

Brian King seeks the possible evolution of morality through computer simulations.
[Issue 109: August/September 2015: Science & Morality]

Beyond Human Nature by Jesse J. Prinz

Lantz Fleming Miller considers the nature versus nurture divide in Beyond Human Nature.
[Issue 108: June/July 2015: Books]

At The Turnpike

Daryn Green tells a tale of partial philosophical redemption.
[Issue 107: April/May 2015: Short Story]

An Introduction To Incontinental Philosophy

Raymond Tallis extracts some principles.
[Issue 85: July/August 2011: Tallis in Wonderland]

Is Psychology Science?

Peter Rickman tells us why it isn’t.
[Issue 74: July/August 2009: Ways of Knowing]

Just A Little Tune I Found In My Mouth

Raymond Tallis muses on music, memory and memes.
[Issue 71: January/February 2009: Tallis in Wonderland]

Switching Wine Glasses

Lawrence Crocker asks when it’s right to do the Chateau shuffle.
[Issue 70: November/December 2008: Articles]

Visions of a Perfect World

Debra Trione encourages American leaders to make their visions of utopia real.
[Issue 70: November/December 2008: Utopia]

Psychoanalysis & Philosophy (II)

Eva Cybulska on Freud’s unconscious debt to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Psychology]

The Blood of the 3,000

Jeffrey Gordon reflects on 9/11, and sees that it didn’t wake us.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Psychology]

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