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Tag: "psychology"

An Immortal Pair Passes

by Joel Marks
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Moral Moments]

Myles Brand

Myles Brand has just become President of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Formerly a philosophy professor, his academic research is into the nature of human action. Tim Madigan finds out how sport’s new philosopher-king sees his new job.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Interview]

The Foundations of Morality by George Frankl

Michael Williams has a problem with George Frankl’s psychoanalytic ethics.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Books]

Dreaming Souls by Owen Flanagan

Ilya Farber discovers a dream of a book by the quirky and perceptive Owen Flanagan.
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Books]

The Reproductive Psychology of Inanimate Objects

Edward Ingram thinks your television is manipulating you.
[Issue 31: March/April 2001: Articles]

A Philosophical Illumination or A Delusion?

Psychiatrist Eva Cybulska provides a psychological interpretation of Nietzsche’s Eternal Return.
[Issue 29: October/November 2000: Nietzsche]

Peg’s Piece

Philosophy Now’s own columnist Peg Tittle considers the nature of violence.
[Issue 24: Summer 1999: Peg’s Piece]

Freud, Aristotle & Judaism

Gur Hirshberg on competing conceptions of human nature.
[Issue 18: Summer 1997: Articles]

The Presence of Mind

Daniel Hutto on Causation, Naturalism and Folk Psychology.
[Issue 2: Winter 1991: Articles]

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