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Tag: "rationality"

The Comet Cometh

Tim Madigan hears Pierre Bayle’s 17th century plea for religious toleration.
[Issue 103: July/August 2014: Food for Thought]

Bertrand Russell Stalks The Nazis

Thomas Akehurst on why Russell blamed German fascism on German philosophy.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Articles]

Knowledge & Reasons

Joe Cruz gives an evolutionary account of them.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Articles]

Experimental Philosophy As An Elephant

Mark Phelan dismisses common misconceptions of Experimental Philosophy.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Philosophers on Philosophy]

How Not To Forgive

Wendell O’Brien is unforgiving about forgiveness.
[Issue 91: July/August 2012: Articles]

Reason as a Universal Constant

Stuart Greenstreet asks if C.S. Lewis was right that reason proves the supernatural.
[Issue 90: May/June 2012: Articles]

Learning from Words: Testimony as a Source of Knowledge by Jennifer Lackey

David Fraser examines the validity of Jennifer Lackey’s testimony.
[Issue 88: January/February 2012: Books]

That Shine of Heavenly Light

George Ross shows how Goethe’s masterpiece Faust explored the limits of human reason and foretold the catastrophes of the modern world.
[Issue 85: July/August 2011: Articles]

The Heart Has Its Reasons: An emotional tribute to Robert C. Solomon

by Joel Marks
[Issue 83: March/April 2011: Ethical Episodes]

Not With A Whimper, But With A Bang!

by Joel Marks
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Moral Moments]

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