Tag: "stoicism"
The Three Disciplines of Epictetus
Massimo Pigliucci looks at the core principles for a Stoic life.
[Issue 157: August/September 2023: The Art of Living]
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson
Vincent Di Norcia thinks about Roman Emperors.
[Issue 150: June/July 2022: Books]
The Stoic’s Lacuna
Alex Richardson explores the ethical cavern at the centre of Stoicism.
[Issue 145: August/September 2021: Articles]
A Stoic Approach to Racism
Frank Thermitus says prepare for the worst to achieve the best.
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Modern Moral Problems]
A Stoic Response To The Climate Crisis
Matthew Gindin thinks that the Stoics have useful advice for us right now.
[Issue 136: February/March 2020: Ancient Greek Wisdom]
How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci
Don Berry finds modern-day applications for life advice from antiquity.
[Issue 134: October/November 2019: Books]
Toughing it Out
Anushka Bhaskar (18) and Anchal Bhaskar (16) take Resilience 101.
[Issue 130: February/March 2019: Young Philosophers]
The Big Lebowski
Matt Qvortrup contemplates Dude philosophy.
[Issue 123: December 2017 / January 2018: Films]
Star Trek’s Stoics: The Vulcans
Steven Umbrello explores parallel philosophical universes.
[Issue 106: February/March 2015: Articles]
News: November/December 2014
Be A Stoic For A Week! • DesAutels is Woman Philosopher of 2014 • Brian Leiter Steps Down — News reports by Sue Roberts
[Issue 105: November/December 2014: News]
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