

Philosophers on Sport

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

St Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE)

by Terence Green
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

The Fantasy of Conscious Machines

Raymond Tallis says talk of ‘artificial intelligence’ is neither intelligent nor indeed, intelligible.
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

Selling Snake Oil

Seán Moran hunts the hype around hypertension.
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

Philosophers on Coffee

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

How Did We Get To Be So Different?

Raymond Tallis grasps the grip our hands have on our humanity.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

by Terence Green
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Philosophers on Wine

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 150: June/July 2022]

Kindly with Kant

Seán Moran imagines Immanuel as an inn-keeper.
[Issue 150: June/July 2022]

An Unholy Trinity

Raymond Tallis reflects on the man in the mirror.
[Issue 150: June/July 2022]

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