

Simone Weil (1909-1943)

by Terence Green
[Issue 150: June/July 2022]

Philosophers on War & Peace

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Karl Popper (1902-1994)

by Terence Green
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Looking to the Past

Peter Adamson on when philosophers write history.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Raymond Tallis argues against calling everyday experience a ‘hallucination’.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022]

Philosophers on Play

by Matt Qvortrup
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

Pierre Abélard (1079-1142)

by Terence Green
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

All Your Love is Need

Peter Adamson ponders erotic philosophy in the Renaissance.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

Smooching by the Seine

Seán Moran reports from the city of love.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

The Philosopher in the Café

Raymond Tallis finds Sartre in bad faith about ‘Bad Faith’.
[Issue 148: February/March 2022]

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