

Spinoza’s Work

by Peter Abbs
[Issue 117: December 2016 / January 2017]

Hegel & Hume Talk It Over

Chris Christensen watches Hume and Hegel argue about how they can have knowledge of reality.
[Issue 117: December 2016 / January 2017]

The Law Pebble

William Simpson watches a small society suffer a small catastrophe.
[Issue 116: October/November 2016]

Inadequate Options in Adequate Space

Kevin Robson’s existential hero finds that you can’t escape having to choose.
[Issue 115: August/September 2016]

The Conspiracy of Theories

Stephen Brewer stealthily records a dialogue in which Freya argues that conspiracy theories are illogical, but Orin is not so sure.
[Issue 114: June/July 2016]


Kimberley Martinez sees through the unreality of reality, disastrously.
[Issue 113: April/May 2016]


by Peter Duff
[Issue 112: February/March 2016]

“… as it was determined to be so.”

Kevin Heinrich follows the fate of some determined townsfolk.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016]

Philosophy 101

Bradley Roote asks: what does baseball have to do with philosophy?
[Issue 111: December 2015 / January 2016]

The Univocity of Silence

by M. A. Istvan Jr.
[Issue 110: October/November 2015]

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