

The Big Question

Can the great philosophers of the past help us to answer the questions that really matter to us? A short story by Mark Noonan.
[Issue 30: December 2000 / January 2001]

Homes For All

A short story by Stephen Loveless-Rees.
[Issue 29: October/November 2000]

Al’s Existential Breakfast

Stuart Hanscomb on fry-ups and Nausea.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000]

“I have a philosophical secret!”

The lowest-rated Jerry Springer show ever.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000]

Restaurant Metaphysics

Mark Leech on causality and coffee.
[Issue 27: June/July 2000]


A lost dialogue, featuring Socrates and Plato and translated by Trevor Curnow.
[Issue 26: April/May 2000]

Ethical Emergency

Carl Maxim is the Bill Gates of philosophy.
[Issue 25: Winter 1999/2000]

A Sceptical Tea Party

A short story by Peter Williams, perhaps?
[Issue 24: Summer 1999]

The Only Ones

A short story by Alistair Fruish.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999]

Collected Moments

A short story by Stephen Loveless.
[Issue 22: Winter 1998/99]

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