

Miranda and the Over-Dragon

Nolan Whyte with his second fable about the philosophical adventuress.
[Issue 62: July/August 2007]

Double Bubble

Alistair Fruish deals you the straight dope.
[Issue 61: May/June 2007]

The Philosopher’s Death

A short story by Stafford Betty. (Warning – not for those of a nervous disposition!)
[Issue 60: March/April 2007]

Language Tinder

by Ivan Brady
[Issue 60: March/April 2007]

Somewhere in Leo

John Lanigan fantasises at the cutting edge of philosophical cosmology.
[Issue 59: January/February 2007]

Making Up My Mind

Martin Lunghi gets into some strange tendencies with language.
[Issue 58: November/December 2006]

Bill’s Philosophy Songs

Bill Welton rewrites some familiar songs to give them philosophy appeal – including some carols for Christmas.
[Issue 58: November/December 2006]

Philosophy 1000

Jeremy Gorman recites a learning experience from the history of philosophy.
[Issue 57: September/October 2006]

Out Of The Blue

Kaisley Phillips tells a colourful story from Chicago in the summer of 1960.
[Issue 57: September/October 2006]

Cleft Stick

Adebowale Oriku tells a story about a man who finds it difficult to tell a story.
[Issue 56: July/August 2006]

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