

On reading Ayer at 7.00 am

by Maggie Adams
[Issue 78: April/May 2010]

The Death of Pythagoras

Bruce Pennington tells us how Pythagoras became a has-bean, while another Bruce Pennington drew the portraits…
[Issue 78: April/May 2010]

Somewhere, Something

by Shanta Acharya
[Issue 77: February/March 2010]

The Highest Number In The Universe

Sam Morris gives us a glimpse of his near-infinite wisdom.
[Issue 77: February/March 2010]

The Philosopher King

by Peter Abbs
[Issue 76: November/December 2009]

Farewell To Nietzsche

by Peter Abbs
[Issue 76: November/December 2009]

Animal Lab

Liz Stillwaggon Swan hears the mice and cats run for the hills, quietly.
[Issue 76: November/December 2009]

I once saw magic in the veins of things

by George Eraclides
[Issue 75: September/October 2009]

The Hat

A short play by Zsuzsanna Ardó.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009]

The Job Interview

Josh Tomlin gets a clear picture of his prospects.
[Issue 74: July/August 2009]

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