Issue 100

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Issue 100: January/February 2014


A Century Not Out

by Rick Lewis


News: January/February 2014

Mike Tyson ‘Likes Philosophy’ • Aussie Govt ‘Doesn’t Like Philosophy’ • International Animal Cruelty Court Proposed — News reports by Sue Roberts


Mind Your Language!

Two philosophical traditions with an interest in common.

Do Languages Exist?

And how does language work anyway? Antony Tomlinson weighs the arguments.

How To Understand Words

Robert Horner tells us how, and then gives a linguistic philosopher’s view of the meaning of ‘the right to bear arms’.

Derrida On Language

Peter Benson tells us what language is and isn’t according to Jacques Derrida.

To Express It Is To Explain It

Akilesh Ayyar explains Proust’s and Deleuze’s takes on enigmatic messages.


Moral Laws of the Jungle

Iain King derives a universal moral law from a moral field study.

Is a Judge of Knowledge Shipwrecked by the Laughter of the Gods?

Roger McCann tries to identify some of the attributes of knowledge.

On Happiness

Siobhan Lyons argues that contemporary culture’s obsession with happiness is unhealthy in a variety of ways.

An Answer to Pilate

What is truth? Joel Marks develops a new approach which he calls alethic deism.

Richard Rorty (1931-2007)

Alistair MacFarlane holds up a mirror to the life of the famous Pragmatist.



Unbelievable Arguments • The Real Hard Problem • Random Freedom • Ave Epicurus • Automatic Writing • The Problem Itself • Persistant Thinking • Immoral Relativism


A Mind is a Wonderful Thing to Meet

Tim Madigan remembers Steve Allen’s Meeting of Minds.

Causes As (Local) Oomph

Raymond Tallis hunts for the source of causation.


America The Philosophical by Carlin Romano

Peter Caws argues that America The Philosophical is a misnomer (at best).

The Reasonableness of Reason by Bruce Hauptli

Raymond Pfeiffer finds The Reasonableness of Reason not entirely unreasonable.

Hannah Arendt

Yasemin Sari on a new film about a courageous thinker and her views on responsibility and the nature of evil.


You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Bill Stott’s Cartoon

by Bill Stott


Consciousness: A Play In One Act

David Dobereiner imagines a meeting of great minds.

First and Last Lines From Wittgenstein’s Tractatus

by Colin Pink