Issue 127: August/September 2018
Quotation Marks Needed
by Anja Steinbauer
News: August/September 2018
Famous Philosophers’ Huts on Display • Japan’s Football Captain Writes Philosophy • Reasoning Skills May Help Mental Health — News reports by Anja Steinbauer and Tim Beardmore-Gray
The Concept of the Other from Kant to Lacan
Peter Benson looks at how continental minds see how we see other minds.
What is Derrida Saying to Us?
Mike Sutton gives us his present interpretation of Derrida’s traces.
Foucault’s Elephant
Thomas Morrison looks hard at Michel Foucault’s problem with science.
A Radical Cure: Hannah Arendt & Simone Weil on the Need for Roots
Scott Remer thinks we arendt happy without a community and considers the complete reconstruction of the modern world to be well worth weil.
Georges Bataille’s Experience
Michael Mocatta finds a practical aid for recovery from addiction in a philosophy of extreme experience.
Making Children Moral
In the first part of our mini-series on moral education, Michael Hand considers whether schools should be involved in trying to make children moral.
Sandy Grant dares to doubt them.
Free Will in the Age of Neuromodulation
Nayef Al-Rodhan explores some of the implications of our increasing ability to chemically and technologically alter our moods and thoughts.
The Ultimate Tranquilizer
Maria Karvouni introduces an Epicurean state of mind.
Indigenous Philosophies
Miguel van der Velden invites us to consider the philosophical ideas of the world’s many Indigenous communities.
Duns Scotus (1265/66-1308)
Jack Allen considers the influential ideas of a medieval philosopher-monk.
What are the Moral Limits of Free Speech and Action?
Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included.
Friendly Fire • More Than A Review, A Philosophy • Is Physicalism Wrong, Though? • Barking Up A Different Tree • Heidegger’s Hate Mail • Moral Guardians
Giambattista Vico (1668-1744)
by Terence Green
Fifty Shades of Black
Raymond Tallis berates the malign pessimism of John Gray.
The Wisdom of Frugality by Emrys Westacott
Mark Waller finds out with Emrys Westacott that the simple life is not so simple after all.
Decoding Chomsky by Chris Knight
Peter Stone detects an attempted literary left-wing hatchet job (an ice-pick job?) on Noam Chomsky.
Matt Qvortrup contemplates the fleeting nature of truth through Akira Kurosawa’s masterpiece.
Which Is To Say
by Scott F. Parker
The Parable of the Ultimate Computer
Michael Langford computes the future of computing the future.
Bill and Rob Thomas’s Cartoon
by Bill Thomas and Rob Thomas
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder