Issue 140: October/November 2020
The Biggest Picture
by Grant Bartley
News: October/November 2020
Ethicists shadow vaccine research • David Hume gets cancelled • Philosopher tackles Tour de France — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction
Matt Qvortrup observes the watcher of the world spirit.
Hegel’s Understanding of History
Jack Fox-Williams outlines the basics of how history works for Hegel.
Hegel, ‘The Father of Art History’?
Michael Squire scrutinises Hegel’s historical ideas about aesthetics.
Kant, Conflict & Universal History
Terrence Thomson asks what Kant’s concept of history can teach us.
Hegel On The Future, Hegel In The Future
Slavoj Žižek says Hegel doesn’t need to be a prophet to point us to a better tomorrow.
Taking Our Vulnerability To Heart
Lindsay Kelland says the precariousness of our lives can teach us core lessons.
Memory & Time
Marla Morris considers both by philosophically remembering her teacher’s lectures, and his torn, yellowed lecture notes.
Drugs & Harm
Frederik Kaufman analyses the illegality of drugs.
“Comico, Ergo Sum”
Nathaniel Goldberg & Chris Gavaler say philosophers should read Descartoons.
Mary Midgley (1919-2018)
Nat Dyer looks at the humanity of a philosopher who tried to make philosophy more human.
Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020)
Matt Bluemink remembers the philosopher of memory.
Natural Intelligence • The Life of Meaning • Homosexuality & Christianity • Humanist Behaviour • The Apparently Undying Nietzsche • Risks and Trade-Offs
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
by Terence Green
Come Together
Peter Adamson on agreement in philosophy.
Bear-Faced in Bombay
Seán Moran philosophically ponders plumptiousness.
The Mystery of Freedom
Raymond Tallis thinks up some possibilities to explain free will.
Doing Valuable Time by Cheshire Calhoun
James Wakefield finds out that meaning need not be monumental.
Enduring Time by Lisa Baraitser
Amber Edwards explores suspended time.
The Meaning of Travel by Emily Thomas
Stephen Leach discovers the meaning of travel without moving from his desk.
Jack Murphy sees society’s morals faltering in a family feud.
Hegel Walks Into A Bar…
James V. Mead overhears Hegel mansplaining #MeToo.
Hegel’s Last System
by Peter Lach-Newinsky
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder
Phil Witte’s Cartoon
by Phil Witte
Guto Dias’ Cartoon
by Guto Dias
Chris Gill’s Cartoon
by Chris Gill
Travelling Hopefully
by Bofy
Paul Wood’s Cartoon
by Paul Wood