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Spinoza’s Godly Mystery
by Sivanth Adithya.N
In his Ethics Spinoza did expound
A vision of God that did astound:
A single substance, infinite, and all
that sustains the universe, through its call.
It’s not a deity with human desires,
But a force, that brings all things to life’s pyres.
It’s all that is, and all that can be,
With modes that define all reality.
God and nature are one and the same
And our thoughts are but a tiny flame
That flickers in the vast cosmic fire,
And all we know is but a small desire.
So with this thought Spinoza did impart
A mind-bending truth that pierces the heart.
And though some may laugh at his philosophy,
It remains a classic, for all posterity.
© Sivanth Adithya.N 2023
Sivanth Adithya.N is a philosophy graduate from Delhi University with a passion for philosophy and writing.