Issue 49

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Issue 49: January/February 2005


Kant 200 Years On

by Rick Lewis


News: January/February 2005

Moral Values • Another Wittgenstein Discovered? • Goldfish Teaching • Church Finds Ethics Too Pricey • Hobbit News — News reports by Sue Roberts in London and Lisa Sangoi in New York


Sapere Aude!

Anja Steinbauer introduces the life and ideas of Immanuel Kant, the merry sage of Königsberg, who died 200 years ago.

Kant on Space

Pinhas Ben-Zvi thinks Kant was inconsistent in his revolutionary ideas about the nature of space and time.

Kant versus Hume on the Necessary Connection

Stuart Greenstreet finds that free will and determinism really do go together.


“Memorable Philosophy Professors I have Known”

From time to time we’ll be publishing reminiscences about philosophers, selected and compiled by Dana Cook.

Can TV Drag Us Out of Our Cave of Ignorance?

Greg Kitsock takes a look at the philosophical television show No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed and its founder Ken Knisely.

Hilary Putnam on Realism, Truth & Reason

Putnam is one of today’s leading living philosophers. He has changed his ideas repeatedly on some central philosophical problems including the nature of truth. Christopher Norris tells the story so far.

Justice and Biology, Revisited

Is there a link between biology and ethical behaviour? Alexander E. Hooke takes a look at phrenology and other theories from down the ages. This article is dedicated to Bill Connolly.

Philosophy, Life and Philosophies of Life

Trudy Govier wonders whether the lives of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Mary Wollstonecraft tell us anything useful about their ideas.


Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)

by Lisa Sangoi



The third of Deiradiotes’ much-feared philosophical crosswords. Better luck this time?


Colin Wilson

Colin Wilson is an author, existentialist philosopher and scholar of the occult. He has been writing fact and fiction for nearly fifty years. On the launch of his autobiography, Alan Morrison thought this might be an apt time to speak to the man himself.



Cartesian Confusion? • Virtue in wartime • War always corrupts • Unbounded God • Philosophy in High Schools • Global Warning • Blame People Not Governments • Algebra and Mistakes • Divine Intentions • Sex Lives of the Sages


Dear Socrates

Having returned from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.

Dracula Meets Aristotle (But not vice versa)

Tim Madigan reports on an unverifiable encounter.

The Golden Rule Redux

by Joel Marks


Kant, Herder and the Birth of Anthropology by John Zammito

The loser wins, comments Ivan Brady as he ponders John Zammito’s book on the rivalry between Kant and Herder.

The President of Good and Evil by Peter Singer

Scott O’Reilly reviews Peter Singer’s review of George W. Bush’s statements on ethics.

Bad Education

Thomas Wartenberg thinks darkly fraternal thoughts while watching a movie by Pedro Almodovar about sibling rivalry and the appalling results of Bad Education.

Jumpers by Tom Stoppard

Warren Allen Smith took at trip to Times Square to see a musical whodunnit about philosophical acrobats debating the existence of God. What else could it be but Jumpers by the profound and playful Tom Stoppard.


A Driver’s Philosophy

by Chengde Chen

Climate of Conflict

by Handsen Chikowore

Ethics, Logic & Hockey: A Dialogue

What happened when the game’s authorities got serious about cleaning up hockey? Ryan Baker on philosophy in action.