Issue 77

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Issue 77: February/March 2010


Continental Tales

by Rick Lewis


News: February/March 2010

Famous Radical Feminist dies • Dolphin rights on agenda • Wittgenstein: the opera • Sex with robots? • Fodor attacks Darwinism — News reports by Sue Roberts


Žižek on Love

Kathleen O’Dwyer asks what Slavoj Žižek means by ‘love thy neighbour’.

Political Philosophy After Metaphysics: Habermas & Lyotard

Abdelkader Aoudjit thinks about postmodern political thinking.

Root, Tomato, Tallith: Three Objects

Peter Benson tells a tale of Sartre, Barthes and Derrida.

The Heterotopia of Disney World

Christophe Bruchansky asks if we’re living in a global themepark.


Back Pain & Rationality

Mitchell Silver ponders the problem philosophically.

La Vie D’Ennui

Colin Bisset is inspired to do nothing.

Plato And Aristotle In The Underworld

Carl Murray finds Plato and Aristotle having a hell of an argument.

The First Servant In Iraq

Douglas Gearhart says there are 1001 stories from Iraq.

The Roots of Reason

Jeffrey Scheuer on the philosophical legacy of J. Renford Bambrough.


Mary Daly & Feminist Philosophy

Jennifer Benson urges you to add some sin to your bookshelf.



Our thirty-first concise but confounding corralling of concepts concerning contemplation by Deiradiotes.



The Paradoxes of Liberty • Nietzsche Is Dead • Arendt’s Public Example • Picking Tallis’ Brain For Thought • Chiselling at Chisholm • Time Sensitive


Dear Socrates

Having traveled from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First Century A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.

I Sink, Therefore I’m Not

by Joel Marks

The Myth Of Time Travel

Raymond Tallis time travels merely by the power of thought.


W. K. Clifford and ‘The Ethics of Belief’ by Tim Madigan

Jon Wainwright finds it easy to believe Tim Madigan.

Why Animal Suffering Matters by Andrew Linzey

Joel Marks finds Andrew Linzey being kind to animals.


Albert Filice looks in the mirror and observes an alien consciousness through the eyes of Hegel.


The Highest Number In The Universe

Sam Morris gives us a glimpse of his near-infinite wisdom.

Somewhere, Something

by Shanta Acharya