Issue 92

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Issue 92: September/October 2012


All Or Nothing

by Anja Steinbauer


News: September/October 2012

Free Will: New Lab Results Change Picture • Italian Town Appoints Municipal Philosopher • Philos and Scientists to Seek Immortality — News reports by Sue Roberts & Tim Wilkinson


Philosophy And The Two-Sided Brain

Carol Nicholson considers a possible source of two major differences in approach.

Philosophy Inc.

Christopher Norris offers his diagnosis of academic philosophy’s current ailments, and prescribes a cure.

Experimental Philosophy As An Elephant

Mark Phelan dismisses common misconceptions of Experimental Philosophy.

The Journey

Emery Cournand describes his own philosophical odyssey.

A Farewell Letter To My Students

John Corcoran looks back on his career as a philosophy teacher.


John Rawls & Justice

Helen McCabe considers the arguments over Rawls’ theory of justice.

Is God Irish?

Roger McCann maps the limits of theology.

The Limits of Authenticity

Ben G. Yacobi asks if it is possible to live authentically.

Authenticity: Keeping It Real And Then Some

Leigh Roche says authenticity means expressing your real self, whether in life, art, or skateboarding.

A Dialogue on Metaphysics

Dale Jacquette listens in on an argument about what can be deduced from the fact of our experience of a complex world.

C.S. Peirce (1839-1914)

Was he the greatest American philosopher? Alistair MacFarlane studies the signs.

What’s The Most Important Question, and Why?

The following answers to this question of questions each win a random book.



Dennett Strikes Back • Enhanced Reactions • More Moral Missives • Duties to the Non-Existent • Reviewer Repents


Forbidden Fruit

by Joel Marks

Did Time Begin With A Bang?

Raymond Tallis doesn’t know, at present.


Philosophers by Steve Pyke

Constantine Sandis looks philosophically at Steve Pyke’s photos of philosophers.

Language: The Cultural Tool by Daniel Everett

Antony Tomlinson discusses the language culture of Daniel Everett.

Ethics For A Broken World by Tim Mulgan

Alfred Archer looks at Tim Mulgan’s look forward at people looking back, with anger.

Let the Right One In

Colin Brookes reflects on ethical and aesthetic issues between vampires and us.


Giordano Bruno’s Journey To London

by Armando Halpern

Kugelman The Tumler

Ron Pies wonders if people live authentically according to their early ideals.


Chris Gill’s Cartoon

by Chris Gill

You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Bill Stott’s Cartoon

by Bill Stott