Results 411 to 420 of 533 for "film" (0.562 seconds)
Was Existentialism a Humanism?
Gerald Jones examines one of the most famous lectures in the history of philosophy.
[Issue 53: November/December 2005: Jean-Paul Sartre at 100: 1 match]
Philosophy For Children
by David Boersema
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Editorial: 1 match]
Henri Bergson and the Perception of Time
Know the name, can’t quite recall what he thought? John-Francis Phipps explains the surprising ideas of the philosopher of vitalism.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Consciousness: 1 match]
On Beauty and Being Just by Elaine Scarry
Peter Benson applauds a beautiful book on beauty by Elaine Scarry.
[Issue 44: January/February 2004: Books: 1 match]
The British Philosophical Association
David Evans on the creation of a new society for Britain’s nine-to-five thinkers.
[Issue 43: October/November 2003: Articles: 1 match]
Bernard Williams (1929-2003)
by A. W. Moore
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Obituary: 1 match]
If Life is Finite, Why am I Watching this Damn Game?
Kenneth Shouler discusses the aesthetics of sports and the nature of choices.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Philosophy and Sport: 1 match]
The Contributions of Jeopardy! to Western Philosophy
Ronald Lindsay on a novel, if slightly desperate, way of funding philosophical research.
[Issue 44: January/February 2004: Prose: 1 match]
News: March/April 2004
$1 million prize for scholars • Attack of the clones • Philosophy radio hits airwaves • Immanuel Kant bicentenary celebration — News reports by Sue Roberts in London and Lisa Sangoi in New York
[Issue 45: March/April 2004: News: 1 match]
Souls, Minds, Bodies and Planets (part 2)
In which Mary Midgley discusses the nature of consciousness and argues that the legacy of Descartes is disasterous for our view of ourselves and our planet.
[Issue 48: October/November 2004: Consciousness: 1 match]
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