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Tag: "Hegel"

Hegel, ‘The Father of Art History’?

Michael Squire scrutinises Hegel’s historical ideas about aesthetics.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Hegel & History]

Hegel On The Future, Hegel In The Future

Slavoj Žižek says Hegel doesn’t need to be a prophet to point us to a better tomorrow.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Hegel & History]

Hegel’s Last System

by Peter Lach-Newinsky
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Poetry]

Come Together

Peter Adamson on agreement in philosophy.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Philosophy Then]

Hegel Walks Into A Bar…

James V. Mead overhears Hegel mansplaining #MeToo.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Fiction]

Hegel on History

Lawrence Evans rationally interprets Hegel’s rational interpretation of history.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: Articles]

The Trouble with Hegel

Chris Christensen thinks Hegel shouldn’t have stopped where he did.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: Articles]

The Concept of the Other from Kant to Lacan

Peter Benson looks at how continental minds see how we see other minds.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Continental Thoughts]

Slavoj Žižek

In a London café, Anja Steinbauer chats with the philosopher who invented the word ‘idiosyncratic’.
[Issue 122: October/November 2017: Interview]

Freedom’s Right by Axel Honneth

Peter Stone questions if it’s worthwhile trying to update Hegel’s politics without addressing his problems.
[Issue 121: August/September 2017: Books]

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