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Tag: "Hegel"

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)

by Terence Green
[Issue 117: December 2016 / January 2017: Philosophical Haiku]

Hegel & Hume Talk It Over

Chris Christensen watches Hume and Hegel argue about how they can have knowledge of reality.
[Issue 117: December 2016 / January 2017: Fiction]

Consciousness: A Play In One Act

David Dobereiner imagines a meeting of great minds.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Play]

Bertrand Russell Stalks The Nazis

Thomas Akehurst on why Russell blamed German fascism on German philosophy.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Articles]

Philosophers on the Beach

by Anja Steinbauer
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Editorial]

Masters, Slaves & Meanings

G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) had a grand, overarching theory of how history unfolds. Roger Duncan looks at the nature of master-slave relationships in Hegel’s thought.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Kant & Co.]

Hegel’s God

Robert Wallace describes a little-known alternative divinity.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Kant & Co.]

The Dead German Philosophers’ Club

Carl Murray eavesdrops on an heroic argument.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Fiction]

Psychoanalysis & Philosophy (I)

Cathal Horan analyses Freud through the eyes of Hegel and Schopenhauer.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Psychology]

The Kantianism of Hegel and Nietzsche by Robert Zimmerman

Lesley Chamberlain wants to rescue Kant from an interesting book by Robert Zimmerman.
[Issue 61: May/June 2007: Books]

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