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Tag: "Nietzsche"

Eternal Recurrence Revisited

Brandon Robshaw looks again at Nietzsche’s idea of the eternal repetition of life.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Nietzsche Past & Future]

‘I Am A God’: On Becoming More Than Human

David Birch compares the attitudes of Friedrich Nietzsche and Kanye West.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Nietzsche Past & Future]

Two Famous Philistines of Philosophy

Christopher Devlin Brown sees similarities and differences in Nietzsche’s and Plato’s critiques of art.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Nietzsche Past & Future]

To Forget or To Remember?

Paul Doolan on what Nietzsche thought we can, and can’t, get out of history.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Nietzsche Past & Future]

Our Nietzschean Future

Paul O’Mahoney considers the awful fate Nietzsche predicts for humanity.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Nietzsche Past & Future]

Paul Wood’s Cartoon

by Paul Wood
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Cartoon]

I Am Dynamite! by Sue Prideaux

Scott Parker looks at Sue Prideaux’s (armour) penetrating biography of Friedrich Nietzsche.
[Issue 136: February/March 2020: Books]

The Twilight Zone

Alex Hooke meets Nietzsche and Sartre… in The Twilight Zone.
[Issue 135: December 2019 / January 2020: Television]

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

by Terence Green
[Issue 134: October/November 2019: Philosophical Haiku]

Dangerous Minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, & the Return of the Far Right by Ronald Beiner

Joe Smith affirms a criticism of a popular view that sees Nietzsche as a right-on revolutionary.
[Issue 134: October/November 2019: Books]

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