Tag: "culture & society"
Moral Pornography
by Joel Marks
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Ethical Episodes]
The Ever-Expanding Kingdom of Bull
Neil Greenspan takes an appalled glance at all the BS in academia and beyond.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Articles]
What Does It Mean To Be Cool?
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein links Stoicism and Hip Hop.
[Issue 80: August/September 2010: The Human Condition]
On Xenophobia
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci.
[Issue 80: August/September 2010: Science]
Law, Tolerance and Society
by Rick Lewis
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Editorial]
In Defense of Intolerance
Matthew Pianalto isn’t going to take it any more.
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Law, Tolerance and Society]
Is Religion Bad For Society?
by Rev. Bob Eckhard
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]
iek on Love
Kathleen O’Dwyer asks what Slavoj iek means by ‘love thy neighbour’.
[Issue 77: February/March 2010: Continental Tales]
Angst and Affirmation in Modern Culture
Sam Morris on the existential choice we all face.
[Issue 75: September/October 2009: Existentialism & Culture]
Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor is one of the world’s leading living philosophers. Chris Bloor talks to him about philosophy and society.
[Issue 74: July/August 2009: Interview]
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