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Tag: "culture & society"

To Be Born: Genesis of a New Human Being by Luce Irigaray

Dharmender Dhillon muses on Luce Irigaray’s best way to make an individual.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Books]

Judged by Ziyad Marar

Alexander Hooke judges a book about being judged.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Books]

Giambattista Vico (1668-1744)

by Terence Green
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Philosophical Haiku]

The Wisdom of Frugality by Emrys Westacott

Mark Waller finds out with Emrys Westacott that the simple life is not so simple after all.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Books]

Fifty Shades of Black

Raymond Tallis berates the malign pessimism of John Gray.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Tallis in Wonderland]

“Anyone who has good friends is a success”

by Tim Delaney
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Editorial]

Aristotle on Forming Friendships

Tim Madigan and Daria Gorlova explain Aristotle’s understanding of good friends and tell us why we need them.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Friendship]

Contemporary Friendships

Tim Delaney and Anastasia Malakhova categorize and analyze the different kinds of modern-day friendships.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Friendship]

The Value of Friendship for Education

Robert Michael Ruehl calls for a friendly revolution.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Friendship]

Friendly Friar

Seán Moran asks amiable Aquinas about amity.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Friendship]

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