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Tag: "culture & society"

Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman

Rutger Bregman gives a hopeful spin on our species.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022: Books]

Harmony & Cancellation Culture

Erica Stonestreet asks, are we too quick these days to break off relationships?
[Issue 148: February/March 2022: Articles]

Guto Dias’ Cartoon

by Guto Dias
[Issue 148: February/March 2022: Cartoon]

The Philosopher with a Thousand Faces

Alex Gooch on narrative, meaning, and the failure of philosophy.
[Issue 147: December 2021 / January 2022: Happiness & Meaning]

Liberal Individualism & Cultural Decay

Raymond D. Boisvert considers how the first leads to the second.
[Issue 146: October/November 2021: Articles]

Recognition & Protest

Andrew Hyams recognises what fuels protest movements.
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Modern Moral Problems]

The Ethics of Fat Shaming

Charlotte Curran tells us precisely why fat shaming is unethical.
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Modern Moral Problems]

A Stoic Approach to Racism

Frank Thermitus says prepare for the worst to achieve the best.
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Modern Moral Problems]

Pact or Artifact?

Greg Stone offers a contractual definition of art, among other artful ideas.
[Issue 143: April/May 2021: Art & Philosophy]

The Not So Benign World of Photography

Atika Qasim questions her own, and others’, motives for taking photos.
[Issue 143: April/May 2021: Art & Philosophy]

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