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Tag: "culture & society"

The Meaning of Travel by Emily Thomas

Stephen Leach discovers the meaning of travel without moving from his desk.
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Books]

Guto Dias’ Cartoon

by Guto Dias
[Issue 140: October/November 2020: Cartoon]

Philosophical Misanthropy

Ian James Kidd takes a look at humanity through dark glasses.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Articles]

Neoliberalism & Social Control

Arianna Marchetti looks at how the Continental philosophers Michel Foucault and Byung-Chul Han view free-market politics.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Articles]

Paul Wood’s Cartoon

by Paul Wood
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Cartoon]

Christianity & Homosexuality

Rick Aaron argues that religious recommendations are sometimes unrealistic.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Religion & Secularism]

Suffering & the Media

Ian Church queries the influence the media has on our perception of evil.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Religion & Secularism]

Philosophy & The Creation of the Individual

Mark Vernon chronicles a revolution in consciousness.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Articles]

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Cartoon]

Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber

Thorsten Botz-Bornstein writes in praise of Industry in our postindustrial morass.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Books]

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