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Tag: "culture & society"

Breaking Bad

Psychologist Joe MacDonagh and philosopher Sheridan Hough each watch what happens when society breaks.
[Issue 116: October/November 2016: Television]

The Law Pebble

William Simpson watches a small society suffer a small catastrophe.
[Issue 116: October/November 2016: Fiction]

Thinkers Against Xenophobia: How To Deal with Pride and Prejudice

by Anja Steinbauer
[Issue 115: August/September 2016: Articles]

Eduardo Salcedo-Albarán

Eduardo Salcedo-Albarán has been called ‘the crime-fighting philosopher’ for using philosophy to make sense of organized crime. He has worked for a range of organisations including the Colombian government, Global Integrity, and Transparency International. Nick Chester asks him about using philosophy to combat corruption.
[Issue 114: June/July 2016: Interview]

On the Philosophy of Conservatism

Musa al-Gharbi outlines the varieties of conservative stances.
[Issue 113: April/May 2016: Articles]

Walter Benjamin and the Media by Jaeho Kang

Terri Murray surveys Walter Benjamin’s perspective on the media within cultures.
[Issue 113: April/May 2016: Books]

Herder & Human Identity

Brian King says that to understand the herd, you need a Herder.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Articles]

Does Altruism Exist? by David Sloan Wilson

William Irwin asks if pure ethics exists at all.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Books]

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Cartoon]

Let’s Be Reasonable!

Philip Badger tries to convince us to be optimistic about human equality.
[Issue 110: October/November 2015: Liberty & Equality]

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