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Tag: "culture & society"

The Prime Directive

A short story about ethics and the Final Frontier, by Alister Browne.
[Issue 39: December 2002 / January 2003: Short Story]

Cities of Refuge

John Mann reviews three books on race, asylum and immigration by Matt Cavanagh, Michael Dummett and Jacques Derrida.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Books]

‘The Open Society’ Revisited

Alan Haworth on Karl Popper, his vision of a pragmatic, liberal society, and his assessment of its philosophical enemies.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Articles]

The ‘War of Good Against Evil’

Raimond Gaita on racism, religion and the motives of suicide bombers.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: War]

Armistice Day Reflections

Bob Sharpe asks what it is to die for one’s country.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: War]


Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis is a classic thanks to its timeless warning about the perils of technological mastery without social justice, says Scott O’Reilly.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Films]

Uncertainty and Public Policy

Richard Taylor tells us why public policies always go wrong…
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Articles]

What’s On Your Mind?

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 36: June/July 2002: Editorial]


by Rick Lewis
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Editorial]

The True Believer Revisited

Tim Madigan on September 11th and on a longshoreman who understood the psychology of mass movements.
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Articles]

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