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Tag: "existentialism"

Rodents to Freedom

Matthew Coniam says that Groundhog Day explains existentialism more entertainingly than Sartre.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Existentialism]

Hans Saner

Hans Saner is both an original thinker and a link to the great days of existentialism. Filiz Peach asked him about his relationship with Karl Jaspers, and about the future of philosophy.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Interview]

The Forgotten Existentialist

Matthew Coniam on Colin Wilson.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Existentialism]

Imagination & Creativity in Jean-Paul Sartre

Understanding the imagination was central to Sartre’s attempts to understand what it is to be human, and how we should live. Maria Antonietta Perna thinks he had important insights which are still worth considering.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Existentialism]

Existentialism & Literature

More than any other recent philosophical movement, the existentialists communicated their ideas through plays, novels and short stories. Peter Rickman asks: why did existentialism resort to literary expression?
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Existentialism]

Now We Are Ten!

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Editorial]

Al’s Existential Breakfast

Stuart Hanscomb on fry-ups and Nausea.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Fiction]

“I have a philosophical secret!”

The lowest-rated Jerry Springer show ever.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Fiction]

A Recipe for Authenticity

Nobody ever put food on the table by worrying about the notion of authenticity… or did they? Gordon Giles on authentic culinary performance.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Authenticity]

Films and existential angst

Ladies and gentlemen… 21st Century Philosophy Now is proud to present the first showing in a new series of philosophical film articles by Thomas Wartenberg. In this installment he looks at American Beauty, Fight Club and Being John Malkovich.
[Issue 27: June/July 2000: Films]

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