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Tag: "existentialism"

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Cartoon]

Sisyphus Rocks!

Tim Madigan looks at the meaning of life for Albert Camus.
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Food for Thought]

On Living Without Transcendence: A Homage to Camus

Van Harvey says it is possible to live meaningfully without a higher purpose.
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Albert Camus]

Too Fast To Live…

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Editorial]

The Lion King

Jonathan Barfield argues that an Existentialist trumps a Christian interpretation of this popular Disney parable.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Films]

William Irwin

William Irwin edits Blackwell’s ‘Philosophy And Pop Culture’ book series. Grant Bartley asks him about Black Sabbath & Philosophy.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Interview]

The Limits of Authenticity

Ben G. Yacobi asks if it is possible to live authentically.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Articles]

Authenticity: Keeping It Real And Then Some

Leigh Roche says authenticity means expressing your real self, whether in life, art, or skateboarding.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Articles]

A Dialogue on Metaphysics

Dale Jacquette listens in on an argument about what can be deduced from the fact of our experience of a complex world.
[Issue 92: September/October 2012: Articles]

Jean-Paul & Simone In The Digital Age

Vivian Todini imagines a modern existential dialogue.
[Issue 89: March/April 2012: Fiction]

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