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Tag: "existentialism"

The Plague & The Plague

Dylan Daniel finds many contemporary resonances in Albert Camus’ novel.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Articles]

Et In Arcadia Ego

Vaitsa Giannouli asks philosophical questions about dementia and responsibility.
[Issue 138: June/July 2020: Articles]

Gary Cox

Gary Cox is the author of several books on existentialism and general philosophy. The 10th anniversary edition of his bestselling self-help book How to Be an Existentialist was published recently. Gavin Smith talks with him about existentialism.
[Issue 136: February/March 2020: Interview]

From Ape to Man & Beyond

Henrik Schoeneberg contends that our next step is to learn to accept ourselves.
[Issue 132: June/July 2019: Articles]

Søren Kierkegaard On the Perils of Procrastination

Gordon Marino can’t wait to tell you about moral self-deception.
[Issue 130: February/March 2019: Articles]

Hounded in Holland

Seán Moran considers canine companions.
[Issue 130: February/March 2019: Street Philosopher]

At the Existentialist Park

Douglas Groothuis reports an unexpected meeting of minds.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Fiction]

L’Avenir (Things to Come)

Terri Murray takes in a subtle critique of academic philosophy’s anemic inertia.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Films]

Heidegger’s Ways of Being

Andrew Royle introduces Heidegger’s key ideas from his classic Being and Time, showing how they lead towards his concept of Being-towards-death.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Heidegger]

The Gift of Becoming Stranded

Amee LaTour argues we should sometimes welcome being run aground by life.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Heidegger]

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