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Tag: "logic & critical thinking"

Abelard & Carneades: Yes & No

Frank Breslin says ‘yes and no’ to presenting both sides of an argument.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024: Articles]

Hume’s Problem of Induction

Patrick Brissey exposes a major unprovable assumption at the core of science.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024: Articles]

The Rigor of Angels by William Egginton

Leonid Bilmes considers the problems we face if we assume our theories match reality.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024: Books]

Cogito, Ergo Sum?

Raymond Tallis has a long-postponed meeting with M. Descartes.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024: Tallis in Wonderland]

Rudolph’s Revenge

Samantha Neave tells a good old-fashioned tale of Christmas scheming.
[Issue 159: December 2023 / January 2024: Fiction]

Back to the Sophists

Nana Ariel corrects the record and the modern application of Sophistry.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Articles]

Uncertainty Made Measurable

Rob Selzer sizes up a human confidence interval.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023: Vagueness]

One Logic, Or Many?

Owen Griffiths and A.C. Paseau try to count them.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Society & Reason]

6 Signs You’ve Taken The Blue Pill

Lewis Vaughn tells you how you can know whether you’re a conspiracy theorist.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Society & Reason]

Babylon 5

Stuart Hannabuss has five questions for Mr Morden.
[Issue 153: December 2022 / January 2023: Television]

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