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Tag: "political philosophy"

The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione

Randall Albury unveils courtly philosophy.
[Issue 107: April/May 2015: Books]

The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama

David Macintosh reaches The End of History.
[Issue 106: February/March 2015: Books]

The Notion of Authority by Alexander Kojève

Daniel Tutt finds The Notion of Authority authoritative.
[Issue 106: February/March 2015: Books]


Alexander Joy observes a clash of ways of cultivating the mind.
[Issue 106: February/March 2015: Short Story]

Emergency Reflections on Political Philosophy

Raymond Tallis exposes a disintegration of democracy.
[Issue 105: November/December 2014: Tallis in Wonderland]

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)

Matt Qvortrup on the cosmopolitan idealist who became the misunderstood father of German nationalism.
[Issue 104: September/October 2014: Brief Lives]

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

Roger Caldwell rediscovers the bookish revolutionist.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Brief Lives]

By the People, For the People

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Editorial]

The Ship of Fools

Anja Steinbauer explains why Plato had problems with democracy.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Plato and Democracy]

Democracy Is Sick

Amy Pollard reads Plato’s Republic as a reform document.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Plato and Democracy]

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