
Columns: Tallis in Wonderland

Does the Cosmos Have a Purpose?

Raymond Tallis argues intently against universal intention.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

The Illusion of Illusionism

Raymond Tallis sees through a physicalist confusion.
[Issue 161: April/May 2024]

Cogito, Ergo Sum?

Raymond Tallis has a long-postponed meeting with M. Descartes.
[Issue 160: February/March 2024]

The How & Why of Consciousness

Raymond Tallis says the mysteries haven’t been solved.
[Issue 159: December 2023 / January 2024]

An Itsy-Bitsy Universe?

Raymond Tallis breaks down the ultimate breakdown.
[Issue 158: October/November 2023]

Reflections on Reality

Raymond Tallis holds a mirror up to the philosophical world.
[Issue 157: August/September 2023]

Remembering Memory

Raymond Tallis examines a miracle of mentality.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]

Reflections on Taking My Blood Pressure

Raymond Tallis finds himself within himself.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

An Encounter with Radical Darwinitis

Dr Raymond Tallis lances a metaphysical boil.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023]

An Invitation to Navel Gazing

Raymond Tallis requests the pleasure of your company for this most philosophical of gatherings.
[Issue 153: December 2022 / January 2023]

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