Issue 118

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Issue 118: February/March 2017


Human Rights & Wrongs

by Rick Lewis


News: February/March 2017

Irish President calls for more philosophy in schools • Judge rules on chimpanzee rights • Derek Parfit and Zygmunt Bauman dead — News reports by Anja Steinbauer and Katy Baker


Is There A Human Right To Internet Access?

Jesse Tomalty considers what human rights are and how they’re justified.

Hens, Ducks, & Human Rights In China

Vittorio Bufacchi & Xiao Ouyang discuss some philosophical & linguistic difficulties.

The Absolute In-Practice Human Right Against Torture

Ian Fishback argues that torture should never be allowed in practice.

What Are Human Rights?

Tim Dare considers how far human rights claims can stretch.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

I Hate You, My Lovely France!

Hamid Andishan tells us how Sartre, a philosopher of freedom, had problems with the politics of the land of liberté, and how this affected his view of human rights.

Richard Rorty On Rights

Patrícia Fernandes looks at Rorty’s idea for promoting human rights.


Moral Certainty

Toni Vogel Carey connects the dots.

“Will the real Mr Bowie please stand up?”

Stefán Snævarr explores Derek Parfit’s ideas about the self, and how they might apply to the complex (of) personalities of David Bowie.

The Virtue of Shared Experience

David Rönnegard shares his experience with us.

Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970)

Alistair MacFarlane looks at the possibilities of a logical life.


Anthony Gottlieb

Grant Bartley interviews the historian of Western philosophy and former Economist editor.



The Views On Nowhere • Metaphysical Foundations • Political Foundations • The Real Trolley Problem • Conspicuous Benevolence • A Possibility of Understanding • Camus Is an Existentialist & De Beauvoir is an Aristotelian • Lifting Logic Beyond the Mundane • All Hail the Haiku


Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

by Terence Green

The Right to Be Poor

Peter Adamson looks into the surprising derivation of the right to property ownership.

Daydreaming In Prague

Seán Moran rambles purposefully about the streets of the Czech city.

An Overdue Appearance of Immanuel Kant

Raymond Tallis introduces a giant of philosophy to Wonderland.


On Bowie by Simon Critchley

Daryn Green looks, listens, and thinks about the art and philosophy of David Bowie.

A Philosophy of Freedom by Lars Svendsen

Alan Brody thinks about freedom and responsibility with Lars Svendsen.

Lost In Translation

Laura D’Olimpio gazes thoughtfully at a postmodern existential Platonic romance.


A Conversation With Simone Weil

Elisabetta Rombi talks social justice and love with the revolutionary philosopher.


You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Bill Stott’s Cartoon

by Bill Stott

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