Issue 157: August/September 2023
Reality, Time and All That
by Rick Lewis
News: August/September 2023
Harry Frankfurt, philosopher, has died • So has Milan Kundera, novelist and thinker • Violent attack on philosophy class — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
The Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference Report
Paul Moore-Bridger reports from an exciting new frontier for philosophy.
Can Animal Experimentation Be Justified?
Zaid Shehryar compares two opposing views.
Overwhelming Evil
Christopher Devlin Brown argues that our wholesale destruction of animals makes veganism humanity’s primary moral imperative.
Austin & ‘Reality’
Will Bynoe on milk, therapy, and the nature of being.
John Locke & Personal Identity
Nurana Rajabova considers why, according to John Locke, you continue to be you.
Solving the Mystery of Mathematics
Jared Warren says, think of a number. What exactly are you thinking of?
Kant on Time
Letizia Nonnis unfolds Kant’s conception of the nature of and experience of time.
Metaphysical Skepticism
Jacob Bell argues that we can’t determine the ultimate nature of reality.
The Best Criticism of Ethical Egoism
Stephen Leach gives you an unbiased reason why you shouldn’t be selfish.
Nostalgia, Morality, & Mass Entertainment
Adam Kaiser finds a fine case of mass existential longing.
Technology & Transformation
Helena Moradi looks at changing philosophical attitudes to technology.
Stoicism in History & Modern Life
Dermot M. Griffin reflects on the sources and relevance of this ancient wisdom.
Augustine (354-430)
Hilarius Bogbinder on the philosophical life of a key figure of the Catholic Church.
How Will Humanity End?
Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included.
Thinking About Ethics • Writing on Wrongs • Vaguely Agreeing • Other Voices • The Horror, The Horror • Artificial Intelligentsia
Benedetto Croce (1866-1952)
by Terence Green
Philosophers on Love
by Matt Qvortrup
Reflections on Reality
Raymond Tallis holds a mirror up to the philosophical world.
The Three Disciplines of Epictetus
Massimo Pigliucci looks at the core principles for a Stoic life.
The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan
Gary Browning considers the ideas and emotions expressed in Bob Dylan’s songs and writings.
Metamodernism: The Future of Theory by Jason Storm
John Best tries to move beyond postmodernism.
The Postmodern Condition by Jean-François Lyotard
Mike Sutton discusses Jean-François Lyotard’s classic report on The Postmodern Condition.
The Sopranos
Jarett Figlin discusses depravity & the American dream.
Being as Onion: A Heideggerian Parable
Mark C. Watney watches Martin Heidegger’s kitchen encounter.
Kant’s Critique
by Sivanth Adithya.N
by Oliver Leech
Ivor Healy’s Cartoon (1)
by Ivor Healy
Chris Gill’s Cartoon
by Chris Gill
Ivor Healy’s Cartoon (2)
by Ivor Healy
Guto Dias’ Cartoon
by Guto Dias
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder