Issue 160

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Issue 160: February/March 2024


Land of Saints & Scholars

by Tim Madigan


News: February/March 2024

Sadly, our news round-up this time is dominated by the deaths of four well-known philosophers. This does at least give us a chance to briefly set out the ideas of these intrepid thinkers. Their overlapping interests and concerns reveal much about the course Continental philosophy took in the shadow of the Cold War and afterwards. — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


Thomas Duddy & Irish Philosophy

Tim Madigan travels through time to seek the essential nature of Irish thought.

Irish Philosophy & Me

Catherine Barry charts her journey through historical Irish thought.

Edmund Burke & the Politics of Reform

Jon Langford outlines conservative insights gained from revolutionary failures.

Philip Pettit & The Birth of Ethics

Peter Stone thinks about a thought experiment about how ethics evolved.

Philosophy & Hurling: Thinking & Playing

Stiofán Ó Murchadha on knowing how we know.

Horseplay in Hibernia

Seán Moran explores equine escapades in Eire and elsewhere.


How to Have a Good Life

Meena Danishmal asks if Seneca’s account of the good life is really practical.

A Philosophical History of Transhumanism

John Kennedy Philip goes deep into the search for (post-) human heights.

Hume’s Problem of Induction

Patrick Brissey exposes a major unprovable assumption at the core of science.

Towards Love

George Mason on love as shared identity.

The Philosophy of Work

Alessandro Colarossi has insights for the bored and understimulated.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

Hilarius Bogbinder looks at a man who wanted to make Peace from Warre.


Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker is the Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, and a popular writer on linguistics and evolutionary psychology. Angela Tan interviews him about politics, language, death, and reasons to be optimistic.



Women Respond • Free For All • Not Silent About Zizek • Lucky Guesses • Certainly Uncertain • Move Along


On Love

AmirAli Maleki looks at love from an Islamic perspective.

G.E. Moore (1873-1958)

by Terence Green

Philosophers on Dogs

by Matt Qvortrup

Cogito, Ergo Sum?

Raymond Tallis has a long-postponed meeting with M. Descartes.

The Discipline of Assent

Massimo Pigliucci tells us to stop impulsively judging.


The Rigor of Angels by William Egginton

Leonid Bilmes considers the problems we face if we assume our theories match reality.

Sad Love by Carrie Jenkins

Stephen Anderson is sad about modern writings on love.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Shashwat Mishra introduces Ayn Rand’s massive novel promoting self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism.

Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode

Thomas R. Morgan hears more than silence.


“Stand Out Of My Light”

Sophie Dibben watches Alexander the Great meet Diogenes the Cynic.

Greek Statue

by Clint Inman


Cameron Harvey’s Cartoon

by Cameron Harvey

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Wolfgang Niesielski’s Cartoon

by Wolfgang Niesielski

Hobbes, Locke, and Very Silly Hats

A comic by Corey Mohler about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world.

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