Issue 161

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Issue 161: April/May 2024


What’s the Story?

by Rick Lewis


News: April/May 2024

Philosophy faces closure at Univ. of Kent • Museum of Philosophy displays fake news • Test case for ‘protected beliefs’ — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


What You Need to Read Before You Read Kant

22nd April 2024 is the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant. Anja Steinbauer introduces the man and gets you ready for his three Critiques.

Kant the (P)Russian Philosopher?

Robert R. Clewis considers present implications of Kant’s Russian connections.

Kant & Love

Ivan Iyer has a beautiful Kantian understanding of love.


Plato versus Literature

Daniel Toré asks, can literature save us?

What Makes A Book Great?

Colin Stott critiques the critical thinking of Matthew Arnold and F.R. Leavis.

Milan Kundera’s Philosophy of the Novel

Mike Sutton reflects on the existential code of the novel.

Don Quixote & Narrative Identity

Inês Pereira Rodrigues asks, are we always (or ever) who we say we are?

Shakespeare: Folly, Humanism & Critical Theory

Sam Gilchrist Hall surveys folly and wisdom in Shakespeare’s world and beyond.


How to Be an Antiracist Consequentialist

Nathaniel Goldberg and Chris Gavaler consider Ibram X. Kendi’s requirements for being antiracist.

When to Hold Your Friends’ Feet to the Fire

Jordan Myers argues, against Christine Korsgaard, that we shouldn’t always hold our friends morally responsible.

The Healing of Philosophy

John Clark, MD, says our worship of the intellect has become pathological.

M.M. Bakhtin (1895-1975)

Vladimir Makovtsev asks: M.M. Bakhtin, philosopher or philologist?

How Can We Achieve World Peace?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.



New Irish Thinking • Problems With Hume’s Problem • To Err is Transhuman • Feel Free to Critique Me • Thoughts in Time • Descartes Doing The Dishes


Kant in the Café

Peter Mullen uncovers the personal secrets of philosophers.

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

by Terence Green

Philosophers on Baseball

by Matt Qvortrup

The Illusion of Illusionism

Raymond Tallis sees through a physicalist confusion.

On Listening

Massimo Pigliucci hears from Plutarch.


I’ve Been Thinking by Daniel Dennett

Jane O’Grady is in two minds about Daniel Dennett.

Failures of Forgivenes by Myisha Cherry

Ben Almassi learns that to forgive is complex.

Ways of Being Alive by Baptiste Morizot

Dan Ray says we must change our minds to save the world.

Witness for the Prosecution

Matt Qvortrup sees Agatha Christie meet Aristotle in Billy Wilder’s classic.


Who’s Watching Who?

Grant Bartley tells a terrifying tale of privacy, paranoia and popular culture.

Bookmarks & Nothingness

by Brooke Horvath


Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (1)

by Harley Schwadron

Wolfgang Niesielski’s Cartoon

by Wolfgang Niesielski

Guto Dias’ Cartoon

by Guto Dias

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Phil Witte’s Cartoon

by Phil Witte

Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (2)

by Harley Schwadron

Chris Gill’s Cartoon

by Chris Gill