Results 441 to 450 of 533 for "film" (0.584 seconds)
Sporting Enthusiasm and Authentic Achievement
Hans Lenk reflects on an Olympic climax of achievement Former Olympic enthusiasm.
[Issue 62: July/August 2007: Articles: 1 match]
Mocking Nature
Paul Keeling reacts with a Green perspective on religious insult.
[Issue 65: January/February 2008: Green Philosophy: 1 match]
Is This Some Kind Of Joke?
Tim Madigan laughs at platypi.
[Issue 64: November/December 2007: Books: 1 match]
The Pop Culture Manifesto
William Irwin on philosophy as/and/of popular culture.
[Issue 64: November/December 2007: Pop Culture: 1 match]
Virtue ethics and the New Testament
Which matter most: virtues or duties? Bob Harrison thinks the early Christians had the answer.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Articles: 1 match]
Off-The-Peg Offspring in the Genetic Supermarket
Colin Gavaghan asks how seriously we should take Gattaca’s dread of genetic screening.
[Issue 22: Winter 1998/99: Articles: 1 match]
Peter Rickman (1918-2014)
Anja Steinbauer and Rick Lewis remember a friend and a scholar.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Obituary: 1 match]
A Short History of Western Thought by Stephen Trombley
David McKay fastens his seatbelt for A Short History of Western Thought.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Books: 1 match]
Grant Bartley focuses on the forces of history through Philip Glass’s opera about Gandhi.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Opera: 1 match]
A Philosophy to Live By: Engaging Iris Murdoch by Maria Antonaccio
Tony Milligan engages with Iris Murdoch’s ethics.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Books: 1 match]
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