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Tag: "God"

The Varieties of Atheist Experience

Paul Cliteur asks: if an atheist is someone who doesn’t believe in God, which God don’t they believe in?
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]

Is God Coming or Going?

David Ramsay Steele surveys American Belief to explain New Atheism’s popularity.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]

What’s New About The New Atheism?

Victor Stenger answers the question.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]

Where’s The Evidence?

Michael Antony argues that the New Atheists miss the mark.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]

Two Priests Respond (I)

Rev. Dr. John R. Mabry opposes the New Atheist caricature of religion.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: The New Atheism]

New Atheist Books

Tim Madigan has a New Atheist round-up.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: Books]

C.S. Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion by John Beversluis

John Loftus heartily agrees with a debunking of C.S. Lewis.
[Issue 74: July/August 2009: Books]

Why I Am An Atheist

Raymond Tallis examines his happy disbelief.
[Issue 73: May/June 2009: Tallis in Wonderland]

God or Nature?

by Grant Bartley
[Issue 71: January/February 2009: Editorial]

Malebranche by Andrew Pyle

Roger Caldwell has occasion to consider Andrew Pyle’s ideas on Malebranche.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Books]

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