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Tag: "God"

Dear Socrates

Having traveled from the turn of the Fourth Century B.C. to the turn of the Twenty-First Century A.D., Socrates has eagerly signed on as a Philosophy Now columnist so that he may continue to carry out his divinely-inspired dialogic mission.
[Issue 68: July/August 2008: Dear Socrates]

Is There A God?

The following readers’ answers to this central philosophical question each win a random book. The harvest was abundant, unsurprisingly; just sorry we couldn’t fit you all in. The votes were, loosely, Yes: 52%, No: 31%, and Don’t Know: 17%. So we’ll start with a ‘Yes’.
[Issue 67: May/June 2008: Question of the Month]

Absurdity, God and the sad chimps we are

James DuBois wonders whether meaning can be found in the face of the apparent absurdity of life.
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Articles]

A Plague On Both Their Houses

Mary Midgley thinks creationists and evolutionists need to overcome the bewitchment of their own thinking and learn how to talk to each other.
[Issue 64: November/December 2007: Articles]

Challenge My Beliefs?

Philosophy instructor Richard Reilly talks to students about questioning God.
[Issue 40: March/April 2003: Articles]

Paul Kurtz

Paul Kurtz author, philosophy professor and professional skeptic, takes time out of a round-the-world lecture tour to talk to our man in Toronto, Colin Hunter.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Interview]

From Hume to Tillich: Teaching Faith & Benevolence

Nancy Bunge was taught philosophy by two of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers, Willard Quine and Paul Tillich. She remembers the profound effect of Tillich’s ideas.
[Issue 38: October/November 2002: Articles]

The Atheist & the Foxhole

Catriona Hanley asks: Is God still dead?
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Articles]

The Nature of Religious Belief

Chris Bloor replies to ‘Cutting God in Half’ by Nicholas Maxwell.
[Issue 37: August/September 2002: Articles]

The Meaning of Life

Daniel Hill argues that without God, life would be meaningless.
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Heresy]

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