Tag: "God"
On being a philosopher and a Christian
Bob Harrison is most happy to be both.
[Issue 16: Autumn 1996: Articles]
Is There a God?
David Hall reviews Is There A God? by Richard Swinburne.
[Issue 15: Spring/Summer 1996: Books]
by Richard Hendon
[Issue 14: Winter 1995/96: Poetry]
Reading the Mind of God
Roger Caldwell asks why we are all here.
[Issue 13: Autumn 1995: Articles]
The Real God: A Response to Anthony Freeman’s God in Us
Gordon Giles reviews Bishop Richard Harries’ reply to the book that got Anthony Freeman sacked from his vicarage.
[Issue 12: Spring/Summer 1995: Books]
The Shackles of Superstition
Piers Benn thinks religion would still make sense even if God didn’t exist.
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Articles]
God in Us
John Mann reviews God in Us by Anthony Freeman.
[Issue 10: Autumn 1994: Books]
God and Evil
If God is such a nice guy, why is there so much misery and suffering in the world? Kola Abimbola examines an ancient problem.
[Issue 8: Winter 1993/94: Articles]
Us Poor People
by Mike Fuller
[Issue 2: Winter 1991: Poetry]
Reasonable Faith
by J.D.D. Hutto
[Issue 1: Summer 1991: Articles]
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