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Tag: "God"

The Blasphemy of Saint Augustine

James Hale argues that the Holy Spirit is feminine and that the Trinity is a mirror of the nuclear human family.
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Heresy]

Cutting God in Half

Nicholas Maxwell on the urgent need to dissect the Deity.
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Heresy]

Design, Yes. Intelligent, No.

Were we designed by an intelligent creator? In our last issue Todd Moody described Intelligent Design theory as a scientific alternative to Darwinian evolution. Here, Massimo Pigliucci takes a more critical view of ‘ID’.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Articles]

C.S. Lewis, God and the Problem of Evil

C.S. Lewis, author of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, was a tireless academic defender of Christianity. Antony Flew examines his views on free will and evil.
[Issue 26: April/May 2000: Articles]

Beyond Reasonable Doubt?

Daniel Hill cross-examines Peter van Inwagen, God’s barrister.
[Issue 24: Summer 1999: Interview]

The Argument from Design

Did God make the world? Nick McDonnell explains why he doubts it.
[Issue 23: Spring 1999: Articles]

John Scotus

A short story about a philosopher during the dark ages by Joanna Motyl.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Short Story]

Free will & Predestination

Ralph Blumenau argues that there is more to the doctrine of predestination than we might think. To support his theory he looks back to the teaching of Original Sinner St. Augustine.
[Issue 20: Spring 1998: Articles]

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?: The Debate Between Theists and Atheists by J.P. Moreland & Kai Neilsen, with additional contributions. A review by Sue Johnson.
[Issue 18: Summer 1997: Books]


by Richard Hendin
[Issue 16: Autumn 1996: Poetry]

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