Tag: "Kant"
The Dancing Philosopher
Joel Marks Just Can’t Stop.
[Issue 95: March/April 2013: Ethical Episodes]
Free Will versus Natural Necessity?
Stuart Greenstreet asks if they can be reconciled.
[Issue 93: November/December 2012: Articles]
On What Matters by Derek Parfit
James Alexander ponders Derek Parfit’s new work.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Books]
Philosophers on the Beach
by Anja Steinbauer
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Editorial]
Having Trouble With Kant?
Peter Rickman says you’re not the only one.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Kant & Co.]
How To Get Off Our Trolleys
Phil Badger tackles the famous ‘Trolley Problem’ of ethics.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Articles]
The Dead German Philosophers’ Club
Carl Murray eavesdrops on an heroic argument.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Fiction]
More Than Matter? by Keith Ward
Mark Vernon asks what the matter is with Keith Ward.
[Issue 84: May/June 2011: Books]
Machines and Moral Reasoning
Thomas M. Powers on how a computer might process Kant’s moral imperative.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Machine Morality]
A Transcendental Philosophy of Science?
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci reports.
[Issue 66: March/April 2008: Science]
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